Requirements for the

Filipinos who wish to contract marriage in Portugal need to secure a document from the Embassy called a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (CLCCM). 

CLCCM is a document issued to applicants who are both Filipinos who wish to get married in Portugal or a Filipino who wish to marry a foreign national.

Requirements for Filipino who wish to marry a foreign national

Duly accomplished application for Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (LCCM) (Click here FORM to download fillable pdf form)

Personal appearance of both contracting parties.

Application Fee: €25.00

For Filipino Applicant:

  • Documents:Original and photocopy of valid Philippine passport of both contracting parties.
  • Original and photocopy of the Apostilled Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) birth certificate of both contracting parties.
  • Original and photocopy of the Apostilled Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Certificate of No Marriage Record (CENOMAR) from both contracting parties. * Please note that the CENOMAR is valid for only six (6) months from the date of issuance by the PSA. Please make sure all the information on all the fields (spelling of all names, birth location and birth date) are correct. Any incorrect dates or spelling will result to a delay in processing and the applicant will be requested to submit an updated and correct CENOMAR. Please note that these requirements apply only for contracting parties who were both never married*.
  • Sworn Statement in Application for LCCM FORM (€25.00)
  • Notarized parental Advice for applicant/s aged 22-25 FORM (€25.00)
  • Notarized parental Consent for applicant/s aged 18-21 FORM (€25.00)
  • If parent/s is/are in Portugal, affidavits of consent and parental advice may be filed personally by the parent/s at the Philippine Embassy, for a fee of €25.00 per affidavit.
  • For widowed applicant – DFA Apostilled Death Certificate of spouse or issued Death Certificate authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and DFA Apostilled Certificate of Advisory on Marriages issued by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

For the foreigner applicant:

  • Original and two (2) photocopies of passport or ID (Cartão de Identidade)
  • Apostilled Birth Certificate of Foreigner (with corresponding international english translation if not in english)
  • Certificate of No Marriage Record (with corresponding international english translation if not in english)
  • Note: Foreigner (husband/wife) with first, second or third marriage provide divorced paper (with corresponding international english translation if not in english)
  • Two (2) recent passport-size photos  

*Publication for 10 consecutive days

Requirements for two Filipinos (Male and Female) who wish to marry at the Embassy of the Philippines, Lisbon, Portugal:

 1.   Personal appearance of both contracting parties

 2.   Documents:

  • Original and photocopy of valid Philippine passport of both contracting parties.
  • Original and photocopy of the Apostilled Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) birth certificate of both contracting parties.
  • Original and photocopy of the Apostilled Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Certificate of No Marriage Record (CENOMAR) from both contracting parties.

Please note that the CENOMAR is valid for only six (6) months from the date of issuance by the PSA. Please make sure all the information on all the fields (spelling of all names, birth location and birth date) are correct. Any incorrect dates or spelling will result to a delay in processing and the applicant will be requested to submit an updated and correct CENOMAR. Please note that these requirements apply only for contracting parties who were both never married.

  • Sworn Statement in Application for LCCM FORM (€25.00)
  • Notarized parental Advice for applicant/s aged 22-25 FORM (€25.00)
  • Notarized parental Consent for applicant/s aged 18-21 FORM (€25.00)
  • If parent/s is/are in Portugal, affidavits of consent and parental advice may be filed personally by the parent/s at the Philippine Embassy, for a fee of €25.00 per affidavit.
  • For widowed applicant – DFA Apostilled Death Certificate of spouse or issued Death Certificate authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

3.  Forms (to be download)

  • Affidavit of Sworn Statement in Application for a Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (LCCM) from both contracting Filipinos. FORM (€50.00)
  • Application form for marriage license from both contracting Filipinos. FORM (€50.00)
  • Report of Marriage FORM (€25.00)

4. The parties will be required to file a Report of Marriage right after the solemnization of marriage. When filing the Report of Marriage, please be guided by the procedures and requirements for the filing of civil registry forms.

Please note that upon filing of the Affidavit of Sworn Statement for LCCM and the filing of marriage license, a Marriage Bann will be posted for ten days at the Consular Section of the Embassy. A marriage may be solemnized after the ten-day posting period, provided that, the Embassy has not received any adverse information/ objection during the posting of Marriage Banns.

The contracting parties may request a preferred date for the wedding ceremony but the Embassy reserves the right to provide a different date/time, as may be necessary.

On the date of Marriage:

  • Solomnization of Marriage €60.00
  • Report of Marriage €25.00 FORM